I'll be using stashed cream Osnaburg for side panels (shown under magazine). It's extra heavy to hold up next to ties sewn on a muslin foundation. So glad I bought ten yards of that fabric to use in many projects.
Over the weekend DH worked on cleaning up things outside and I worked inside. Needed to de-clutter the kitchen and dining area then I scrubbed everything. Now my fibro and nerve pain is flaring but at least the cleaning is done.
Mr. Pibbs is not yet regulated on his insulin. Blood glucose is still too high, vet changed him to a different brand/type. We have to test at least twice a day and see if there is a good change in about two weeks.
A cats ear is the best place to get a drop of blood to test. Thankfully Mr. Pibbs is good about getting his ears poked. DH is traveling this week so I'll be on my own with Pibbs and the testing. (((sigh))) Pibbs is more cooperative on the open dish washer door for his ear sticks. His bowl is close by and he knows food is forthcoming. I can't be lazy about putting clean dishes away , ha ! Thanks Pibbs.
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