Monday, September 6, 2010

Lazy Labor Day

I'm thankful for a lazy day for DH and myself. DH has been traveling for his job a lot, he needed some extra down time. I'll give him a night off from the bbq grill and bake a meatloaf for supper.
Zoey has been very perky lately. She fully recovered from the hurt leg. Tuesday she goes for blood test prior to getting a dental next week. We alway go to Sonic after for tatertots.
Hens out back had a busy morning. I still feel a bit of surprise when seeing white eggs. I think my neighbors Leghorns are sneeking their eggs over! Ha, ha!
PatchCat says Meow while relaxing on back screened porch. She scratches her back on concrete.
Cooler today, clouding up. Thunder further north from us.
Clouds boiling up over Mustang Mountain.
Partridge Rock Pullets growing up, they will lay eggs by first of year or sooner.
Last night the Cochin banty bunch decided to grow up and roost on the tall poles in big run. Contrary to what I have read, bantam size chickens can fly. Those poles are a good four ft up. I'm deciding the larger black pair (on left side of pole)are growing to be full sized Cochin. That's ok, they are so refined and gentle, we enjoy them very much.
Ants get tired of constant flooding from monsoon rains. They build huge dikes around their nest openings.
Ant volcano close up. Sorry to say these are leaf cutter ants, will have to put poison granules out for them. A colony can strip a small tree over nite :( It happened last summer so we check around often to keep them under control.
Tonight's tv is Rizzoli & Isles and The Closer. Got the black fabric strips cut and will be sewing my Halloween blocks while watching.


  1. Such fun today reading your post and seeing what is going on there - I always love your chooks (one day a chook shed will be built here!) Those ant volcanoes are amazing....

  2. Glad to hear that Zoey recovered well...good luck with the blood work and dental cleaning..

  3. Zoey is so pretty! Hope all goes well at the check up. I didn't know that ants built dikes. Very interesting. I have a feeling that a lot of our chicken feed is going to mice. Thank you for commenting on my blog. :)
