Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It's Melted !

Clear skies at last but still very cold in these pics.  Dreamer was excited to be out of his stall and paddock.   Silly goose ran up and down the horse lane, past Taxi several times.  Taxi is watching his dad put hay out front.

Freezing cold, I was standing on back porch taking the pics.  Mustang Mountain was snow covered for about the third time in our seventeen years out here.

Taxi still standing stoically after Dreamer left to eat. The only thing moving was his ears.  I think he wanted back in the barn.

I was able to cook a hot meal for hubby.  Chicken fried steaks, mashed potatoes and italian beans.

The Gypsy Wife quilt is messy (no its not me).  I'm using the Hello Kitty to mark stacks of papers for the PP blocks.

Sewing blocks on the Rocketeer.  I ordered clear presser feet for both machines but forgot the accessory arm to hold the foot on my Rocketeer. Now waiting for that to arrive next week. The clear foot for Hello Kitty also fits my Featherweight machine. Would love to pull that one out to use but it needs oiling first (I've never done that before).
Gypsy Wife Quilt Along 2019 on FB is now secret and not accepting new members.  Since announced over 2,800 have joined.  There's lots'a information and help on the internet if one just googles. Several blogs have been a great help to me. If anyone wants to make this quilt, go ahead and have fun !

Oh, BTW-  Snow Friday,  Tuesday it was almost 70 degrees here !

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