Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A UFO Finish

Finished the bricks/stones quilt. I sure hope it's the last one I quilt on a domestic machine. That's my new Handi Quilter under draped quilt. We were able to set the frame for quilting up to a 70" wide top. (That's all the space there was in guest room). I've never made bed sized tops (in ten years of quilting) and if I do, it will get sent out! LOL

Our hens have been really busy. December was a slow month, zero eggs, then mid January it was maybe a dozen a week. Now it's six to eight a day!Even the bantam frizzle girl leaves a tiny egg about every other day. Those are hers in small red basket. When stationed at Ft. Knox Kentucky I took basket classes at the "Red Rocker" craft shop. So many years ago but those baskets have held up. LOL

Grocery trip on Saturday, the poodle kids must see what's in the bags.
Wonky found the empty McDonalds bag, he and Mouse played keep-away.

Mouse usually ends up with what ever they had. He is a very fierce pup.


  1. Congrats on another beautiful UFO finished. Great quilting too. And it is always nice to see the puppies playing.

  2. Love the blanket!
    Our chickens didn't lay a bit in the cold winter, but with the "spring like" weather outside - they are up to (almost) a dozen a day!

    Rudy's Raiser

  3. Very nice finish!
    I love "home-grown" eggs and am fortunate to have quilting friends that share them with me.
    Your girls look like they are filling your baskets nicely now.
    Cute pups :)

  4. Great quilt. The little black and white units look really good in between the colours.

  5. Love your bricks and stones quilt! That is definately on my "to-do" list!
