Monday, February 17, 2014

String Project

Needed some mindless sewing for now so started a string quilt.  I've been sleepy and kinda dopey from a med change last week.  The nerve pain was getting a bit too much for me so the doc increased meds that take a while to get used to.  
These blocks will be very forgiving as long as I sew a good 1/4 inch seam.  As easy as string blocks are to sew, you can still goof them up.  I would not want to have any seams pop open because the fabric strings were not lined up evenly for stitching.

My roll of paper for string blocks ran out.  So, we made a trip to the "Dollar Store" and I found these big paper pads, $1 each.  Each pad will yield 60 nine inch squares.
  I prefer using paper to sew strings on.  This paper comes loose very easily.  You can spritz it with water or just crinkle it up and it almost falls off on it's own.  I'll sew all the blocks into a top before removing papers.
My first block is looking ok.  Obviously these will be black & white with oranges. 

 Smudgie was nesting in a shadowed corner, she was about ready to sleep when I noticed her.  Mornings she sits and watches the little bantam hens out the big glass window.
I don't mind her company, as long as she doesn't  "cough up" hairballs on fabric. *8-| rolling eyes

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